Our Features

Instant Sharing

Share your contact information, social media profiles, websites, and more with just a tap, scan, or send.

NFC Technology

Experience the convenience of NFC technology for seamless and quick connections.


By eliminating the need for physical business cards, visitingcard.store promotes environmental sustainability and reduces paper waste.

Effortless Saving

Recipients can easily save your contact information by scanning the QR code on your digital card.

Account Options

Choose between an individual or team account to cater to your specific networking needs.

Multiple Templates

Choose from a wide range of professionally designed templates to create a visually appealing and impactful digital card that suits your branding and industry.

Security and Trust

Rest assured that your information is secure and protected with state-of-the-art encryption and data protection measures.

Fast and Reliable Support

Our dedicated support team is available to provide prompt assistance whenever you need it, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.